Bitwuzla Ocaml API

Bitwuzla is an SMT solver for the theories of fixed-size bit-vectors, floating-point arithmetic, arrays and uninterpreted functions and their combinations.


You will want to create some expressions and assert formulas. For example, consider the following SMT-LIB input:

(set-logic QF_BV)
(set-option :produce-models true)
(declare-const x (_ BitVec 8))
(declare-const y (_ BitVec 8))
        ((_ extract 3 0) (bvsdiv x (_ bv2 8)))
        ((_ extract 3 0) (bvashr y (_ bv1 8)))))

This input is created and asserted as follows:

(* First, create a Bitwuzla instance. *)
let open Bitwuzla.Once () in
(* Create a bit-vector sort of size 8. *)
let bv8 = 8 in
(* Create two bit-vector variables of that sort. *)
let x = Term.const bv8 "x" and y = Term.const bv8 "y" in
(* Create bit-vector values one and two of the same sort. *)
let one = bv8 and two = Term.Bv.of_int bv8 2 in
(* (bvsdiv x (_ bv2 8)) *)
let sdiv = Term.Bv.sdiv x two in
(* (bvashr y (_ bv1 8)) *)
let ashr = Term.Bv.shift_right y one in
(* ((_ extract 3 0) (bvsdiv x (_ bv2 8))) *)
let sdive = Term.Bv.extract ~hi:3 ~lo:0 sdiv in
(* ((_ extract 3 0) (bvashr x (_ sortbv1 8))) *)
let ashre = Term.Bv.extract ~hi:3 ~lo:0 ashr in
       ((_ extract 3 0) (bvsdiv x (_ sortbv2 8)))
       ((_ extract 3 0) (bvashr y (_ sortbv1 8)))))
assert' @@ Term.distinct sdive ashre;

After asserting formulas, satisfiability can be determined via check_sat.

(* (check-sat) *)
let result = check_sat () in

If the formula is satifiable, it is possible to query the value of expressions via get_value as well as its concrete value via assignment.

assert (result = Sat);
let xval = get_value x and yval = get_value y in
Format.printf "assignment of x: %s@\n"
@@ Z.format "%08b" @@ Term.Bv.assignment xval;
Format.printf "assignment of y: %s@\n"
@@ Z.format "%08b" @@ Term.Bv.assignment yval;

It is also possible to query the model value of expressions that do not occur in the input formula.

let x2 = Term.Bv.mul x x in
let x2val = get_value x2 in
Format.printf "assignment of x * x: %s@\n"
@@ Z.format "%08b" @@ Term.Bv.assignment x2val;

We can then let the garbage collector delete the Bitwuzla instance, but if we want to release the resources earlier, it is possible to call the funcion unsafe_close () as the last action of the session.

unsafe_close ()


All examples can be found in directory examples. Assuming Bitwuzla was built from sources, run the following command to build and run an example:

dune exec -- examples/quickstart.exe # replace quickstart by other examples

Quickstart example

The example used in the Quickstart guide.

The SMT-LIB input for this example can be found at examples/quickstart.smt2. The source code for this example can be found at examples/

let () =

  (* First, create a Bitwuzla instance. *)
  let open Bitwuzla.Once () in

  (* Create a bit-vector sort of size 8. *)
  let bv8 = 8 in

  (* Create two bit-vector variables of that sort. *)
  let x = Term.const bv8 "x" and y = Term.const bv8 "y" in

  (* Create bit-vector values one and two of the same sort. *)
  let one = bv8 and two = Term.Bv.of_int bv8 2 in

  (* (bvsdiv x (_ bv2 8)) *)
  let sdiv = Term.Bv.sdiv x two in

  (* (bvashr y (_ bv1 8)) *)
  let ashr = Term.Bv.shift_right y one in

  (* ((_ extract 3 0) (bvsdiv x (_ bv2 8))) *)
  let sdive = Term.Bv.extract ~hi:3 ~lo:0 sdiv in

  (* ((_ extract 3 0) (bvashr x (_ sortbv1 8))) *)
  let ashre = Term.Bv.extract ~hi:3 ~lo:0 ashr in

         ((_ extract 3 0) (bvsdiv x (_ sortbv2 8)))
         ((_ extract 3 0) (bvashr y (_ sortbv1 8)))))
  assert' @@ Term.distinct sdive ashre;

  (* (check-sat) *)
  let result = check_sat () in
  assert (result = Sat);

  (* (get-model) *)
  let xval = get_value x and yval = get_value y in
  Format.printf "assignment of x: %s@\n" @@ Z.format "%08b"
  @@ Term.Bv.assignment xval;
  Format.printf "assignment of y: %s@\n" @@ Z.format "%08b"
  @@ Term.Bv.assignment yval;
  let x2 = Term.Bv.mul x x in
  let x2val = get_value x2 in
  Format.printf "assignment of x * x: %s@\n" @@ Z.format "%08b"
  @@ Term.Bv.assignment x2val;

  (* Finally, delete the Bitwuzla instance. *)
  unsafe_close ()

Incremental example with push and pop

An incremental example with push and pop.

The SMT-LIB input for this example can be found at examples/pushpop.smt2. The source code for this example can be found at examples/

let () =

  (* First, create a Bitwuzla instance enabling incremental solving. *)
  let open Bitwuzla.Incremental () in

  (* Create a bit-vector sort of size 1 and another of size 2. *)
  let bv1 = 1 and bv2 = 2 in

  (* (declare-const o0 (_ BitVec 1)) *)
  let o0 = Term.const bv1 "o0"
  (* (declare-const o1 (_ BitVec 1)) *)
  and o1 = Term.const bv1 "o1"
  (* (declare-const s0 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s0 = Term.const bv2 "s0"
  (* (declare-const s1 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s1 = Term.const bv2 "s1"
  (* (declare-const s2 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s2 = Term.const bv2 "s2"
  (* (declare-const goal (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and goal  = Term.const bv2 "goal"

  (* Create bit-vector values zero, one, three. *)
  and zero  = bv2
  and one2  = bv2
  and three = Term.Bv.of_int bv2 3 in

  (* Add some assertions. *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s0 zero;
  assert' @@ Term.equal goal three;

  (* Push, assert, check sat and pop. *)
  push 1;
  assert' @@ Term.equal s0 goal;
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result @@ check_sat ();
  pop 1;

  (* (assert (= s1 (ite (= o0 (_ sortbv1 1)) (bvadd s0 one) s0))) *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s1 (Term.ite o0 (Term.Bv.add s0 one2) s0);

  (* Push, assert, check sat and pop. *)
  push 1;
  assert' @@ Term.equal s1 goal;
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result @@ check_sat ();
  pop 1;

  (* (assert (= s2 (ite (= o1 (_ sortbv1 1)) (bvadd s1 one) s1))) *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s2 (Term.ite o1 (Term.Bv.add s1 one2) s1);

  (* Push, assert, check sat and pop. *)
  push 1;
  assert' @@ Term.equal s1 goal;
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result @@ check_sat ();
  pop 1;

  (* Finally, delete the Bitwuzla instance. *)
  unsafe_close ()

Incremental example with check-sat-assuming

This example shows how to implement the example above with check-sat-assuming instead of push and pop.

The SMT-LIB input for this example can be found at examples/checksatassuming.smt2. The source code for this example can be found at examples/

let () =

  (* First, create a Bitwuzla instance enabling incremental solving. *)
  let open Bitwuzla.Incremental () in

  (* Create a bit-vector sort of size 1 and another of size 2. *)
  let bv1 = 1 and bv2 = 2 in

  (* (declare-const o0 (_ BitVec 1)) *)
  let o0 = Term.const bv1 "o0"
  (* (declare-const o1 (_ BitVec 1)) *)
  and o1 = Term.const bv1 "o1"
  (* (declare-const s0 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s0 = Term.const bv2 "s0"
  (* (declare-const s1 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s1 = Term.const bv2 "s1"
  (* (declare-const s2 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and s2 = Term.const bv2 "s2"
  (* (declare-const goal (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and goal  = Term.const bv2 "goal"

  (* Create bit-vector values zero, one, three. *)
  and zero  = bv2
  and one2  = bv2
  and three = Term.Bv.of_int bv2 3 in

  (* Add some assertions. *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s0 zero;
  assert' @@ Term.equal goal three;

  (* (check-sat-assuming ((= s0 goal))) *)
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result
  @@ check_sat_assuming [| Term.equal s0 goal |];

  (* (assert (= s1 (ite (= o0 (_ sortbv1 1)) (bvadd s0 one) s0))) *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s1 (Term.ite o0 (Term.Bv.add s0 one2) s0);

  (* (check-sat-assuming ((= s1 goal))) *)
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result
  @@ check_sat_assuming [| Term.equal s1 goal |];

  (* (assert (= s2 (ite (= o1 (_ sortbv1 1)) (bvadd s1 one) s1))) *)
  assert' @@ Term.equal s2 (Term.ite o1 (Term.Bv.add s1 one2) s1);

  (* (check-sat-assuming ((= s2 goal))) *)
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result
  @@ check_sat_assuming [| Term.equal s2 goal |];

  (* Finally, delete the Bitwuzla instance. *)
  unsafe_close ()

Unsat core example

This example shows how to extract an unsat core. It creates bit-vector and floating-point terms and further illustrates how to create lambda terms (define-fun).

The SMT-LIB input for this example can be found at examples/unsatcore.smt2. The source code for this example can be found at examples/

let () =

  (* First, create a Bitwuzla instance enabling unsat core extraction. *)
  let open Bitwuzla.Unsat_core () in

  (* Create a bit-vector sort of size 2 and another of size 4. *)
  let bv2 = 2 and bv4 = 4
  (* Create Float16 floatinf-point sort. *)
  and fp16 = Sort.fp ~exponent:5 16 in

  (* Create bit-vector variables. *)
  (* (declare-const x0 (_ BitVec 4)) *)
  let x0 = Term.const bv4 "x0"
  (* (declare-const x1 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x1 = Term.const bv2 "x1"
  (* (declare-const x2 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x2 = Term.const bv2 "x2"
  (* (declare-const x3 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x3 = Term.const bv2 "x3"
  (* (declare-const x4 Float16) *)
  and x4 = Term.const fp16 "x4" in

  (* Create FP positive zero. *)
  let fpzero = Term.Fp.pos_zero fp16
  (* Create BV zero of size 4. *)
  and bvzero = bv4 in

  (* (define-fun f0 ((a Float16)) Bool ( a (_ +zero 5 11))) *)
  let f0 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] -> a fpzero) in

  (* (define-fun f1 ((a Float16)) (_ BitVec 4) (ite (f0 a) x0 #b0000)) *)
  let f1 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] ->
      Term.ite (Term.Uf.apply f0 [ a ]) x0 bvzero) in

  (* (define-fun f2 ((a Float16)) (_ BitVec 2) ((_ extract 1 0) (f1 a))) *)
  let f2 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] ->
      Term.Bv.extract ~hi:1 ~lo:0 (Term.Uf.apply f1 [ a ])) in

  (* (assert (! (bvult x2 (f2 (_ +zero 5 11))) :named assertion0)) *)
  assert' ~name:"assertion0"
  @@ Term.Bv.ult x2 (Term.Uf.apply f2 [ fpzero ]);

  (* (assert (! (= x1 x2 x3) :named assertion1)) *)
  assert' ~name:"assertion1"
  @@ Term.Bl.logand (Term.equal x1 x2) (Term.equal x2 x3);

  (* (assert (!(= x4 ((_ to_fp_unsigned 5 11) RNE x3)) :named assertion2)) *)
  assert' ~name:"assertion2"
  @@ Term.equal x4 (Term.Fp.of_sbv ~exponent:5 16 Term.Rm.rne x3);

  (* (check-sat) *)
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result @@ check_sat ();

  (* (get-unsat-core) *)
  Format.printf "Unsat core: {";
  Array.iter (fun a -> Format.printf " %a" Term.pp a) @@ get_unsat_core ();
  Format.printf " }@\n";

  (* Finally, delete the Bitwuzla instance. *)
  unsafe_close ()

Unsat assumptions example

This example shows how to implement the example above with get-unsat-assumptions.

The SMT-LIB input for this example can be found at examples/unsatassumption.smt2. The source code for this example can be found at examples/

let () =

  (* First, create a Bitwuzla instance enabling unsat core extraction. *)
  let open Bitwuzla.Incremental () in

  (* Create a bit-vector sort of size 2 and another of size 4. *)
  let bv2 = 2 and bv4 = 4
  (* Create Float16 floatinf-point sort. *)
  and fp16 = Sort.fp ~exponent:5 16 in

  (* Create bit-vector variables. *)
  (* (declare-const x0 (_ BitVec 4)) *)
  let x0 = Term.const bv4 "x0"
  (* (declare-const x1 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x1 = Term.const bv2 "x1"
  (* (declare-const x2 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x2 = Term.const bv2 "x2"
  (* (declare-const x3 (_ BitVec 2)) *)
  and x3 = Term.const bv2 "x3"
  (* (declare-const x4 Float16) *)
  and x4 = Term.const fp16 "x4" in

  (* Create FP positive zero. *)
  let fpzero = Term.Fp.pos_zero fp16
  (* Create BV zero of size 4. *)
  and bvzero = bv4 in

  (* (define-fun f0 ((a Float16)) Bool ( a (_ +zero 5 11))) *)
  let f0 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] -> a fpzero) in

  (* (define-fun f1 ((a Float16)) (_ BitVec 4) (ite (f0 a) x0 #b0000)) *)
  let f1 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] ->
      Term.ite (Term.Uf.apply f0 [ a ]) x0 bvzero) in

  (* (define-fun f2 ((a Float16)) (_ BitVec 2) ((_ extract 1 0) (f1 a))) *)
  let f2 = Term.Uf.lambda [ fp16 ] (fun [ a ] ->
      Term.Bv.extract ~hi:1 ~lo:0 (Term.Uf.apply f1 [ a ])) in

  (* (define-fun assumption0 () Bool (bvult x2 (f2 (_ +zero 5 11)))) *)
  let assumption0 = Term.Bv.ult x2 (Term.Uf.apply f2 [ fpzero ]) in

  (* (define-fun assumption1 () Bool (= x1 x2 x3)) *)
  let assumption1 = Term.Bl.logand (Term.equal x1 x2) (Term.equal x2 x3) in

  (* (define-fun assumption2 () Bool (= x4 ((_ to_fp_unsigned 5 11) RNE x3))) *)
  let assumption2 =
    Term.equal x4 (Term.Fp.of_sbv ~exponent:5 16 Term.Rm.rne x3) in

  (* (check-sat) *)
  Format.printf "Expect: unsat@\n";
  Format.printf "Bitwuzla: %a@\n" pp_result
  @@ check_sat_assuming
    ~names:[| "assumption0"; "assumption1"; "assumption2" |]
    [| assumption0; assumption1; assumption2 |];

  (* (get-unsat-core) *)
  Format.printf "Unsat core: {";
  Array.iter (fun a -> Format.printf " %a" Term.pp a)
  @@ get_unsat_assumptions ();
  Format.printf " }@\n";

  (* Finally, delete the Bitwuzla instance. *)
  unsafe_close ()


The Bitwuzla library proposes the following sessions: