A bitwuzla.Bitwuzla
instance is created from a configuration
options bitwuzla.Options
instance. This options instance must
be configured before creating the Bitwuzla instance: after the Bitwuzla
instance is created, configuration options are fixed and cannot be changed.
Bitwuzla supports three kinds of options: Boolean options, numeric options
and options with option modes.
The kind of an option can be queried via
, and
All options are configured via bitwuzla.Options.set()
Additionally, it is also possible to configure options in batch via
where the given arguments are each a command line option configuration string,
e.g., set_args("-i", "--produce-models=true", "--produce-unsat-cores true")
The configured value of options can be queried via bitwuzla.Options.get()
The short name of an option can be queried via bitwuzla.Options.shrt()
its long name via bitwuzla.Options.lng()
, its description via
and, if given option is an option with modes, its modes can be queried via
The option kind is defined via bitwuzla.Option
A comprehensive list of all configurable options is available
The source code for this example can be found at examples/python/options.py.
# Bitwuzla: Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solver.
# Copyright (C) 2023 by the authors listed in the AUTHORS file at
# https:#github.com/bitwuzla/bitwuzla/blob/main/AUTHORS
# This file is part of Bitwuzla under the MIT license. See COPYING for more
# information at https:#github.com/bitwuzla/bitwuzla/blob/main/COPYING
from bitwuzla import *
if __name__ == '__main__':
# First, create a Bitwuzla options instance.
options = Options()
# Enable model generation, which expects a boolean configuration value.
options.set(Option.PRODUCE_MODELS, True)
# Increase the verbosity level, which expects an integer value.
print(f'Previous verbosity level: {options.get(Option.VERBOSITY)}')
options.set(Option.VERBOSITY, 2)
print(f'Current verbosity level: {options.get(Option.VERBOSITY)}')
# Now configure an option that has modes (a choice of configuration values).
# First, query which bit-vector solver engine is set.
print(f'Default bv solver: {options.get(Option.BV_SOLVER)}')
# Then, select the propagation-based local search engine as solver engine.
options.set(Option.BV_SOLVER, 'prop')
print(f'Current engine: {options.get(Option.BV_SOLVER)}')
# Now, create a Bitwuzla instance.
tm = TermManager()
bitwuzla = Bitwuzla(tm, options)
# Check sat (nothing to solve, input formula is empty).
result = bitwuzla.check_sat()
print('Expect: sat')
print(f'Bitwuzla: {result}')