
Module Term.Uf

Uninterpreted function

type ('a, 'b) t = ('a'b) fn term constraint 'b = [< bv ]

A function term which maps 'a to 'b.

val lambda : 'a Sort.variadic -> ('a variadic -> [< bv ] as 'b term) -> ('a'b) t

lambda sorts f create a function definition.

parameter sorts

The argument sorts.

parameter f

A function that take the function formal parameters and return a term.


a function definition

val apply : ('a[< bv ] as 'b) t -> 'a variadic -> 'b term

apply t args create a function application.

parameter t

The function term.

parameter args

The argument terms.


a function application

type !'a variadic =
| ([]) : unit variadic
| (::) : [< `Bv | `Fp | `Rm ] as 'c value * 'b variadic -> ('c -> 'b) variadic

Statically typed list of function argument values.

val assignment : ('a[< bv ] as 'b) fn value -> ('a variadic * 'b value) array

assignment t get the current model value of given function term.

The value of arguments and values can be queried via Bv.assignment and Fp.assignment.

parameter t

The term to query a model value for.


An array of associations between `arity` arguments and a value.